Useful Basket Storage for Kids' Rooms


We all seem to accumulate “stuff”, kids included! Endless toys, books, maybe slippers, blankets and bathrobes - they all need a place to be kept. Baskets are your answer. Not only are baskets lightweight, and available in so many shapes and sizes, but they’re also biophilic! Meaning, the baskets’ natural texture and sound will aid in creating a calming atmosphere for your youngin’ - just like in nature.

I’d suggest having different sorts of basket shapes. For example, open baskets lend themselves to frequently accessed toys, which could also be on display, such as stuffed animals. Baskets with lids are a good way to contain small toys such as cars, or to hide things that aren’t used as often.

There are loads of playful basket designs for these days, such as the dinosaur and bear ones below. However, choosing plain standard baskets with lovely designs instead, means that they have a longer lifespan, as they’d be difficult to “out grow”.

Here are a few great examples of how you can make use of baskets in your child’s room:

1. For extra blankets, slippers etc

2. In that extra space under tables, beds, or shelves

Via MyDomaine

3. To group different sorts of toys (stuffed animals vs legos for example)

4. Hanging baskets for small bits, such as gloves and hats, or toys

5. Also as decoration

6. Within shelves, like lightweight drawers that can be moved about