Rustic Summer Home Details


How can we create a relaxed, welcoming, cosy feeling in our summer home (or home during the summer)? With rustic details. Aged objects and materials instantly bring history to a space. These pieces have been around - they’re comfortable and hardwearing. Also, choosing items that will patina over time, such as wood or bass, will contribute to a welcoming home. Here are a few ideas to try:

1. Wooden Peg Hooks

These are so charming! And so very Swedish. It’s a really casual way to hang up your bits, as well as to show off your lovely everyday objects (baskets, linens, even pots). Try not to over-pack it, so it doesn’t become a dropping point for clutter. Consider a row in the kitchen, hallway, or bedroom.

Install these wooden pegs in your home with these:

2. Woven Rugs

Woven rugs are traditional in Sweden, and so are timeless! Pick whatever colour combination suits you. These are great to add some colour to your potentially-forgotten hallways.

Layer up your woven rugs with these:

3. Brass Candle Holders and Details

Brass ages so well - I love how it looks like it’s lived! And, if ever it gets a bit too grubby, it’s really easy to find and use brass cleaning cream to liven it up again (check in your local hardware store or online). Candle holders are a great way to functionally decorate. They’re so charming, and there are so many beautiful vintage and antique ones you can find at markets and online. Another place to consider brass is in your home hardware - kitchen cabinet handles, etc.

Add a touch of history with these vintage candle holders:

4. Rustic Wood

It’s hard to find anything cosier than rustic wood. Aged furniture feels relaxed and welcoming, because it’s already survived and thrived after all this time! Start with a small piece of furniture here and there, to mix in with your other furniture.

Bring in rusticity with these vintage wooden pieces:

5. Ceramic Jars

Rustic jars, urns, containers - yes! These feel like they’ve been around forever. Maybe they were found at a summertime market, maybe in rural Sweden or the south of France, maybe they’ve been passed down. Who knows? Again, its timelessness is comforting.

Style your flower cuttings in these vintage jugs and urns:

7. Unframed Paintings

Paintings are a must. Unframed paintings are even better, in this case. Paintings can speak to a dream world, or can be a whisper from a past era. These qualities, combined with the nonchalance of leaving them unframed, create a very relaxed feel. Great for a summer home!

Hang up one of these artworks in your own home:

Hoping for further help with your home? Check out my decorating services here.