Sweet Countryside Space Planning

Sweet Countryside project floor plan

Sweet Countryside project floor plan

For my Sweet Countryside project, I considered the essential functions of the space, the flow, sight lines, as well as how to organise and zone the space best for the clients. For a creative, airy space for a family and their friends, I made sure to address and create social areas, as well as private areas to which to retreat for thoughtful quiet moments.

For the living room, I kept in mind the idea conversation distance (too far away, and it becomes a task to shout across to your friend). I also arranged the main seating area so as to appreciate the view outside. Having the back of one of the sofas to the rest of the open-planning space (leading onto the dining room), keeps the seating area more private. Another more isolated spot for quiet reading and contemplating, fit nicely into the back corner.

Living room zoning, flow, and conversation distances

Living room zoning, flow, and conversation distances

The master bedroom should be a room to which to retreat, where one can regroup and relax. So, I’ve included a cosy seating area for the couple in the evening, or for one of the two to have a coffee while getting ready in the morning.

Master bedroom zoning and flow

Master bedroom zoning and flow

For the teenagers’ rooms, a small seating area has been included. This way, the girls can have a cosy spot quietly read, write or draw, or a private area to hang out with their best friends.

Hangout spaces within the girls’ bedrooms

Hangout spaces within the girls’ bedrooms

Preview of the living room floor plan

Preview of the living room floor plan

Preview of the master bedroom floor plan

Preview of the master bedroom floor plan