Human Needs: Ilse Crawford

Photo: Studio Ilse

Ilse Crawford is hands-down one of my favourite interior designers. Why? Because of her approach to design – she starts with considering the human’s needs first, before the proportions or aesthetics come into play.

And isn’t that what it should be all about? Making sure that the person who will inhabit or spend a great deal of time in the space, will have their needs taken care of. Is it a comforting nook or an inspiring open space?

While it seems obvious, taking care of the people is not at the top of every designer’s mind. I really respect that about Crawford’s work, and hope to do the same.

If you haven’t already watched the episode on her in Netflix’s “Abstract” series, add it to your list! Then, have a listen to this podcast interview with her, by The Architecture Academy.

Photo: acast

Photo: acast