Scandi Forest Home: Lighting

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A surefire way to inject atmosphere into a home is through a considered lighting plan! For the Scandi Forest Home project, I created a detailed lighting plan for a cosy and functioning home. As with any project, there are task, general, and ambient (decorative) lights planned. Make sure to include dimmers wherever possible, as you don’t always want a super-illuminated space, for example very early on a dark morning, or after dinner when you’re easing into evening-mode.

Once I’d established the whereabouts and function of the lighting, then I moved on to selecting the materials and forms. It’s important the think about the direction of the light given off by each lamp - a lamp with many bulbs pointing in different directions may make a more effective general light above a coffee table, than above a dinner table, where you might enjoy to see more clearly the food in front of you!

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As shown by the materials mood board I created for this project (here again below), I selected lamps with warm tones, linens, warm brass metal finishings, fresh whites, and a few pops of black.

Discover the rest of the Scandi Forest Home project here.

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