Fresh White Home Vibes


I love a neutral space. It’s relaxing and just feels so unburdened - does anyone else know what I mean? The freshness and openness of a space can let your mind relax after a long day of overstimulation. And honestly, who doesn’t want to balance out their day? Especially now in a time where everything is trying to grab our attention, making home a sanctuary is extra pertinent.

How do we keep it cosy and welcoming, whilst being fresh? Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Fresh Whites - Lean toward white-whites as your base, rather than creams for example. It feels crisp and clean!

2. Neutral Colours - Balance out your whites with neutral colours, either greys or beiges, to add dimension, and a “buffer” to your glaring whites

3. Balance with Natural Woods - Select furniture in natural wood, with knots and all! The natural textures will add warmth and texture to the space.

4. Natural textiles - Lots of texture is essential to cosify an otherwise all-white room, so opt for natural linen, cotton, wool, and leather.

5. Be selective about decor details - Bring in items with character and texture, to show off what you love, and add personality to the white walls

via hobykullherrgard instagram

via hobykullherrgard instagram