3 Bathroom Styling Essentials


Styling your bathroom can make the space feel relaxing and inviting. Here are a few styling tricks to make the most out of your bathroom.

1. Wood or Rattan Tray

Wooden or rattan trays in the bathroom are a great way to gather products you like to have easily on hand, as well as your decorations (so they become purposeful and stop floating around).


2. Dried Flowers

Bringing in natural materials will soften all of those tiles. Dried flowers are a zero-maintenance way to welcome nature, texture, and sometimes colour, into your bathroom.


3. Baskets

Not only are baskets a great way to hide away useful-but-no- so-pretty items (or clutter), but their natural woven material will help balance out the cold bathroom space, which can sometimes err on the side of clinical if left un-styled.

Overall, use natural materials to balance out and warm up all of the cold stone and tiles in your bathroom, and your room will feel instantly cosier and more welcoming!