5 Ways to Nurture Autumnal Wellbeing in the Living Room


While autumn can be bleak and grey, it can also be super cosy and charming. It’s especially important to take care of our mental health as we transition between the hot exciting summer daze into the colder part of the year. I’d love to help you create space in your home to support, nourish and nurture you. A space for you to recharge, relax, and let loose. Your living room is a great place to start.

1. Cocoon Yourself

Have enough cosy blankets on hand for all of your seats - no one wants cold toes! I’d recommend choosing really soft, lush fabrics. Certain polyesters can be super soft (think kids’ stuffed animals type) and really lovely to wrap yourself up in for a few hours! Also consider plush cushions to sink into - try oversized ones.

2. Create Atmosphere

Endless candles. There’s something incredibly soothing about flickering firelight! Tea lights are great and safer option to scatter around the room. Another way I’d recommend to do is is gather larger candle holders, to conceal battery candles, which require even less thinking.

3. Warm Up with Sheepskin

Now is the time to bring out any sheepskins you have! With their warming cosying texture, they’re great to sit or lie on. Their natural texture is also very soothing to touch, and helps us reconnect with are sensual natural selves.

4. Follow Mother Earth’s Lead

Bring nature indoors with fluffy pampas grass and the likes! These dried decorations will carry you through winter, and help you to align mentally with what’s going on outdoors.

5. Cosy Campfire Vibes

Low lighting - think firelight, lighting from the corners of your room rather than from overhead, add a small lamp in your bookshelf, on the floor next to your side table, or on the windowsill.